3d-Printed Raspberry Pi Case
Game art prop design turned computer case via 3d printing.
I wanted to flex some 3d-printing muscles while thanking my client for the opportunity to work on such an amazing project: the award-winning adventure game Prominence. The decision was either a shuttle/landing craft concept or this computer case design. It was a no-brainer when I realized I could easily adjust the design to accommodate a real computer — the Raspberry Pi. When powered on it serves the Prominence Art Department website which I used to document and share progress on the environment and prop designs for the game.

- Raspberry Pi Model 2
- Edimax EW-7811Un 150Mbps 11n Wi-Fi USB Adapter
- Hypriot OS on 16GB sdcard, class 10 (hypriot-rpi-20151115-132854.img.zip, based on Raspbian, an Arm distribution based on Debian)
- Frame is Shapeways “metallic plastic” (alumide). The cover is “strong & flexible” held onto the frame using a few small tabs. Grills are painted steel scavenged from an old speaker pressure-fit to the frame.
Filed under: 3d design, Concept Design